Articulation and Speech Therapy for Kids: Specialised Programs for Language Development


Articulation disorders involve difficulties in producing sounds that form words and sentences, which can affect speech clarity. Common errors include substituting sounds (e.g., “wabbit” for “rabbit”), omitting sounds (e.g., “nana” for “banana”), or adding incorrect sounds. When these errors persist beyond the expected age range, they indicate a speech sound disorder. Children with such issues may need an assessment from a child therapist for a comprehensive child development assessment in Singapore. Articulation therapy aims to improve clarity by addressing these sound production issues.

Stuttering affects the flow of speech and is characterised by repetitions of words or parts of words, blocks, and prolongations of speech sounds. People who stutter may appear tense or “out of breath” when speaking and may use interjections such as “um” or “like.” Dysfluency typically begins in childhood and can persist into adulthood. A thorough child development assessment in Singapore by a child therapist can help identify and address stuttering early, providing strategies and support to improve speech fluency and confidence.

Pragmatic language refers to the use of social language skills, both verbal and nonverbal, in interactions with others. This includes turn-taking, eye contact, staying on topic, social problem-solving, perspective-taking, initiating interactions, body language, proximity during interactions, and general social appropriateness. Children with pragmatic language problems may say inappropriate or unrelated things during conversations, tell disorganised stories, have limited language variety, prefer interacting with adults over peers, and miss social cues. A child development assessment in Singapore conducted by a child therapist can identify these issues. Speech therapy in Singapore helps develop adequate pragmatic skills, enabling appropriate participation in conversations.

Oral-motor skills involve the movement of facial muscles, including the mouth, jaw, tongue, and lips. These skills encompass muscle tone, strength, range of motion, speed, coordination, and the ability to move these structures independently. Issues such as jaw thrusting, tongue thrust, lip weakness, and sensitivity can affect oral-motor functions. Children with these challenges may have difficulties with activities like tooth brushing or eating certain foods. A child development assessment in Singapore by a child therapist can identify these issues. Speech therapy in Singapore can help improve oral-motor skills, essential for sound production and feeding abilities like sucking, biting, and chewing.

Children with apraxia of speech or other motor planning challenges struggle to plan and coordinate the movements needed to make speech sounds. Despite knowing what they want to say, their brains have difficulty coordinating the muscle movements necessary for speech, which can also affect eating. A thorough child development assessment in Singapore by a child therapist can diagnose these issues. Speech therapy in Singapore requires time and commitment but provides essential support, creating a successful communication environment for children with apraxia.

The ability to request objects, make choices, ask questions, answer, and describe actions/events is essential for communication. Speaking, gesturing, writing, facial expressions, and vocalisations are all variations of expressive language. Children with poor expressive language skills struggle with sentence formation, grammar, thought organisation, sequencing information, storytelling, and explaining information. This can lead to frustration when they cannot communicate their wants and needs. Speech therapy in Singapore, along with a child development assessment Singapore by a child therapist, can provide effective speech therapy for kids and speech therapy services to address these challenges.

Receptive language is the ability to understand or process spoken language. Kids with receptive language disorder have difficulty understanding spoken language and responding appropriately. Problems may include difficulty following directions, remembering the sequence of information, understanding stories/questions, and general listening skills. Speech therapy in Singapore, supported by a child development assessment Singapore from a child therapist, can offer specialised speech therapy for kids through various speech therapy services to improve receptive language skills.

Some children develop typically in cognitive, motor, vision, and hearing aspects but have a limited expressive vocabulary, indicating a language delay. Despite normal development in other areas, language may be delayed. A child development assessment in Singapore by a child therapist can identify these issues. Speech Therapy Singapore offers targeted speech therapy services, including speech therapy for kids, to help improve their expressive vocabulary and overall language skills.

Parents’ participation in the therapeutic process is crucial. They need to reinforce and generalise the skills mastered in therapy sessions. In speech therapy in Singapore, involving parents is a key component of effective treatment. A child development assessment in Singapore by a child therapist can guide parents on how to support their child’s progress. Speech therapy services, especially speech therapy for kids, emphasise the importance of parental involvement for successful outcomes.

Mix of formal (standardised) and informal assessments to gain an accurate picture of your child’s needs. This is then used to plan effective, accessible and fun therapy for your child.

Speech and language therapy is offered on an individual basis, and can take place at school/ nursery or at home (in fun, happy and calm environments).

Parental input is always encouraged, and if needed, I can provide a home therapy pack for you to work on together at home.

Why Choose Us for Speech Therapy?

Comprehensive Speech Therapy Services


We offer a full spectrum of speech therapy services in Singapore, addressing a wide range of speech and language issues. Our personalised approach ensures that each child receives the specific help they need to improve their communication skills.

Expert Child Therapists

Our team comprises highly qualified child therapists dedicated to providing the best care. They use evidence-based techniques to treat speech and language disorders, ensuring effective outcomes for your child.

Holistic Child Development Assessments


We conduct thorough child development assessments in Singapore to understand each child’s unique needs. These assessments help us create tailored therapy plans that address all aspects of your child’s development.

Specialized Speech Therapy for Kids


Our specialised speech therapy for kids focuses on enhancing speech clarity, language skills, and overall communication abilities. We design engaging and interactive therapy sessions to keep children motivated and involved.

Family-Centred Approach


We believe in involving parents in the therapy process. Our therapists work closely with families to provide guidance and support, ensuring that the progress made in therapy continues at home.

Proven Success Stories


Our clinic has a track record of successful therapy outcomes. Many children have shown significant improvement in their speech and language skills, thanks to our dedicated and effective therapy services.

Convenient Location and Flexible Scheduling


Located in a convenient area, our clinic offers flexible scheduling options to accommodate busy families. We strive to make therapy sessions as accessible and stress-free as possible.

Supportive and Caring Environment


We provide a nurturing and supportive environment where children feel comfortable and safe. Our therapists are not only skilled professionals but also compassionate caregivers who prioritise the well-being of each child.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you conduct a child development assessment?
Our child development assessment in Singapore involves a thorough evaluation of a child’s speech, language, cognitive, and social skills. This comprehensive assessment includes standardised tests, observational methods, and parent interviews to gather detailed information. The results help us create a personalised therapy plan that targets the specific needs and goals of each child. This approach ensures that therapy is both effective and aligned with the child’s developmental stage.
What qualifications do your child therapists have?
Our child therapists are highly qualified and experienced professionals specialising in pediatric speech therapy. They hold advanced degrees in speech-language pathology and are certified by relevant professional bodies. In addition to their formal education, our therapists participate in ongoing training and professional development to stay updated with the latest techniques and research. This commitment to continuous learning ensures they provide the best possible care.
How often should my child attend speech therapy sessions?
The frequency of speech therapy sessions is determined based on the individual needs of the child and the goals set during the initial assessment. Typically, children attend sessions once or twice a week, but this can vary depending on the child’s progress and specific requirements. Our therapists work closely with families to develop a schedule that supports consistent progress and fits within the family’s routine, ensuring the best outcomes.
Can parents observe or participate in the therapy sessions?
Yes, we highly encourage parental involvement in speech therapy for kids. Parents are welcome to observe sessions and participate in therapy activities. Our therapists provide guidance on how to reinforce therapy techniques at home, which is crucial for the child’s continued progress. Parental involvement helps create a supportive environment that enhances the effectiveness of the therapy, ensuring that the skills learned during sessions are practised and reinforced.
How do you track and measure progress in speech therapy?
Progress in speech therapy is tracked through regular evaluations and by setting specific, measurable goals for each child. We use a variety of tools and methods to assess improvements in speech and language skills, including standardised tests, observational assessments, and feedback from parents. Progress reviews are conducted periodically, and therapy plans are adjusted as needed to ensure ongoing development. This systematic approach helps us ensure that each child makes meaningful progress.
What should I bring to my child’s first speech therapy session?
For the first speech therapy session, please bring any relevant medical or developmental history, previous assessment reports, and a list of your concerns or observations about your child’s speech and language development. This information helps our therapists gain a comprehensive understanding of your child’s needs and create an effective therapy plan. It is also helpful to bring any communication aids or devices your child currently uses, as these can be integrated into the therapy sessions.
Are your speech therapy services covered by insurance?
Coverage for speech therapy services depends on your specific insurance plan. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand the details of your coverage for speech therapy in Singapore. Our administrative team can also assist by providing necessary documentation and answering any questions you may have about insurance claims and coverage options. We aim to make the process as smooth as possible for families seeking our services.
What is the typical duration of a speech therapy session?
The duration of a typical speech therapy session is usually 45 to 60 minutes. During this time, the therapist engages the child in various activities and exercises designed to improve specific speech and language skills. The exact length of each session may vary based on the child’s needs and the therapy plan. This duration allows sufficient time for targeted interventions while keeping the child engaged and focused.
How soon can I expect to see progress in my child’s speech and language skills?
The timeline for seeing progress in speech therapy varies depending on several factors, including the severity of the speech or language issue, the child’s age, and the consistency of therapy sessions. Some children may show improvement within a few weeks, while others might take several months. Regular participation in therapy and reinforcement of techniques at home can significantly enhance progress. Our therapists will provide regular updates and adjust therapy plans to ensure continuous development.